
"She stood there: she listened. She heard the names of stars" - Virginia Woolf

Spent a good chunk of tonight getting deep into some Virginia Woolf quotes and revisiting one of my favourite maternity sessions ever with Jennifer Marie. (I think every maternity session is my favourite maternity session though, no lie). 

Taken on a summer day at Cultus Lake. 


"I think sometimes I am not a woman, but the light that falls on this gate, on this ground. I am the seasons. I think sometimes, January, May, November; the mud, the mist, the dawn" - Virginia Woolf, the Waves. 


"I see you everywhere, in the stars, in the river, to me you're everything that exists; the reality of everything" - Virginia Woolf, Night and Day


Wild Mountain | Chilliwack | with Inhale Floral Designs, Montana's Bridal Hair, and Joelle Marks (Family Management)

This day was cold, and awesome. I pretty much drove into the ditch, but I pulled myself out (through strength of will and only small, well hidden moments of panic) and the sky was blue and perfect and Chilliwack Lake was like a storybook winter wonderland. It was freezing. Like, it was really really cold, which makes model Joelle even more of a champ - she braved that cold in a dress and fur blanket and never complained once. 

We shot quick, we shot cold, and I feel really lucky to live in this lovely place surrounded by such awesome creative people.

Beautiful floral creations by the talented Haley Marks for Inhale Floral Designs 

Hair (I am in love with that braid) by Montana Bullied (Montana's Bridal Hair

Model: Joelle Marks from Family Management 

Assisted by super champ Audra Coton, and Utah Jack