Sarah Sovereign Photography

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Happy New Year's: Grow Your Goals in a Field of Self Compassion

Model: Jennifer Marie

2019 is a year I’ll process for a long time. It’s contained some hard stuff, self-exploration, beautiful friendships, creative magic, and pathways of healing. I think the end of the year can come with an immense pressure - to be different than who we are, to change our bodies, redefine success - the new year is an uncomfortable place, as we try to shed our skins and replace them with who we feel we should be. We can eat well, exercise, be more organized, set goals, - all of this or none of this - but we do not need the shadow of shame. Grow your goals in a field of self-compassion.

As the year draws to a close, I celebrate my body for carrying me here. I thank my past self for making difficult decisions that continue to help me grow, heal, thrive. I thank my heart for pursuing love & empathy, and my hands for making so much art. I thank this year for knowledge and strength.

I created this image earlier this month and as it took shape I thought of pathways, of choices. There is this notion that we walk a pathway forged upon decisions, that our choices have black and white options: one right, one wrong. But, there is a third pathway - a pathway of our own making, one that is continually made and remade, one that isn’t good or bad - but one that supports us every step of the way, every decision we make: organic, movable, changeable, beautiful.

As we go into the new year, I wish for you all self compassion, kindness, & creative magic, and that you feel that path beneath your feet - thriving & supporting you, even when you aren’t sure where it leads, even when you’re unsure of your step - even into the quiet ending of a long year.

Happy 2020, friends!