Sarah Sovereign Photography

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(re)craft retreat | create + collaborate | a creatives' weekend retreat in Trapp Lake, B.C.

I’m so excited to share with all of you that I’ll be running a small, laid back retreat! The weekend is about exploring the collaborative, creative process and reconnecting, recharging, and refocusing. Formerly known as the Creative Recharge & Refocusing Festival, (re)craft will be running for 3 days filled with a mix of photographers, models, makeup & hair artists, as well as people engaging with fabric arts, writing, drawing, meditative singing, smudging, and dancing.

This weekend is meant to be a space to create, collab, and take many a well-deserved nap.

Follow along on instagram through the weekend: @sarahsovereign

This first weekend is a pilot group - engaging with the collaborative process is one of the best ways I know how to learn, and I learn by doing - so just jumping in and then taking all the info and reflecting, constructively building, and seeing everything unfold is very much how I create - and really what the weekend is all about. Unspooling. Letting. Unfolding.

Here’s our mission statement: to gather in a safe & supportive space and engage with the creative, collaborative spirit, reflecting on why and how we create while exploring & reconnecting with the artistic processes that set our hearts on fire. allowing our creative selves to journey and experience the unfolding of new ideas, directions, and immersive conversations, both with others and within ourselves: to make art, for us, with one another, beyond the boundaries of mere survival.